What is TableauFit?

I started using Tableau back in 2010 and continue to love it more everyday day. TableauFit is my workout room to explore, push, and hopefully become a lean, mean, viz-building machine.
Please anticipate bad gym-related jokes, Tableau dashboards, and my thoughts and learnings on Tableau. I’ll also be posting on Twitter periodically, using #TableauFit to reference new blogs.
With all the great blogs out there, it’s hard to find an angle, so I’ll also call upon my experience as an interpreter to discuss visual communication, decision-making, and whatever else comes to mind.
Why TableauFit for a brand?
You can blame this post on my LinkedIn profile. It got me thinking about my experience and how Tableau mastery can be a life-long journey, just like fitness. I’ll use my interpreting background to try different workouts on vizzes, much like interpreters need a vast toolkit and dictionary to address a word or phrase in different settings.
This site is an evolution towards fitness. Much like many fitness journeys, it’s a diamond in the rough. Let’s see how it shapes up.
Thank you!
Super excited! Another resource for learning!